What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Technologies which are brand new to me are the fig rig, Screenomatic, Final Cut Pro and Freesound. I have found through the making of this product that I have learnt a lot especially the use of Final Cut Pro because before this task I didn't know much about the software, however now I know how to insert letters and add effects to them for example the movement of the letter. The technologies that I have developed my skills in are my camera work skills and Imovie 09. I have noticed that my skills have developed greatly in using the moving image camera for example I can now perform a pan which flows with all steadiness this is a massive development for me because before my shots weren't as steady when using a moving image camera. The most obvious technology that has allowed me to produce a product which is creative is the moving image camera because it allowed me to explore different shot types and seeing their effect in a different prospective other than my own. Technologies that helped to develop my creativity; Imovie 09 because it allowed me to experiment with different effects and transitions on my shots. There were many technologies that needed careful planning but one which is most important is the use of the moving image camera because if I didn't plan or stick to my plan the footage which was shot wasn't a true reflection of my best ability. There was one time were I didn't use technology correctly and I had to repeat the task again correctly because of my misconception of the software; I thought I could move individual letters when I couldn't because the software didn't have the function and I wasn't authorised. The technology of the camera I used is so far ahead in technology compared to the camera I used at GCSE for example the camera I used for this product had much greater resolutions.
Below is a collage, I created themed on the technology I used whilst doing this project.
Below is a collage, I created themed on the technology I used whilst doing this project.