Friday, 11 January 2013

Prop List:

Prop List: 

George: Murderer:

I am a murderer so I shall wear all black clothing, and try to hide my identity so to do this I will wear many layers of dark clothing, because stereotypically murderers in horror films don't wear bright summery colour clothes.
Lucinda: First victim:

Lucinda is the young girl who is found dead by the couple, so she will wear blue clothing to symbolise she is an innocent girl. As being the victim Lucinda will need the Scrunched up note saying "your next".

George 2: Male significant other:

George 2 is the boy friend so he will wear navy blue coloured clothing so he doesn't have any symbolical features this is to show he is a normal boyfriend.

Lindsay: Girl significant other:

Lindsay is the girlfriend so she will wear bright clothing to show she is young and innocent, so stereotypically she is a normal girlfriend. Also Lindsay is walking a dog who finds the body.

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